Making The Best Use Of Child Custody Rights

If you are the sole bread winner in your family or if both partners are earning an income, you probably worry about the possibility of surrendering quality time as an inevitable consequence of divorce. On the other hand, if you are a stay-at-home parent, you may make the case in court that you should be awarded the parenting time because you have spent more time caring for the children. But keep in mind that even if you are the higher income parent, you need not give up your rights to spend meaningful time with your children. Of course you must be willing to make adjustments and prove to the court that you will be as involved with your children as you would like to be. Like with most family law issues it is the parents who decide the custody case. According to one of the top divorce and custody lawyers , “For parents, working together is the best bet to achieve a fair and appropriate custody arrangement”. “If they do not do it successfully, the court will decide for them”. ...